
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baca Untuk Gelak Sampai Bontot Tanggal! (aka LMAO)

Aku dah lama gile cari mendalah nih. Last aku baca dulu kat frenster member. (OMG FRENSTER? APEKAH FRENSTER? EJA BETOL PON AKU MALAS ZOMG.)

Tetibe dah jumpe balik dah, so aku nak simpan sebelum aku lupe so aku leh tunjok kat future kids ape yang jadi kalau tak praktik proper usage of English.

Seharusya aku sebagai Graduan (ECECECE, GRADUAN DA~ XD) TESL, akan gelak terguling-guling baca mendalah nih. 8D

Aku tau bende ni macam agak feymes dan dah lapuk, tapi ade aku kesah???? XDDD

Tijah ingin memutuskan perhubungan dengan boyfriend omputeh nya...
Dia tak sanggup bertemu muka, lalu dia pun mengutus surat untuk mintak clash yang berbunyi:


My motive write this letter is to give know you something.

I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION WITH US. I have think about this very cook cook.

I know I clap one hand only. Correctly, I have seen you and she together at town with eyes myself. You always ask for apology back back. I don't trust you again!!! You are really crocodile land.

My friend speak you play wood three... Now I know you correct correct play wood three. So, I break connection to pull my body from this love triangle. I know this result I pick is very correct, because you love she very high from me. So, I break off to go far from here. I don't want you to play play with my liver. I have been crying until no more eye water thinking about you. I don't want banana to fruit two times.... Safe walk...


Seriously, aku rasa pakai Google language translate pon tak akan hasilnya menjadi kemusnahan durja bahasa macam nih. XD

Okay, sapa pecah perut baca "Safe walk" kat ujung tu? *angkat tangan sorang-sorang*


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