Ohmaigod seronok sakan gile nak gi persandingan kat Dewan Hikmah. Kitorang kene gi awal sebab my dad is the Al-Wakil on the groom's side.
Canteknye pintu gerbang....
And alang-alang before more guests arrive, tak salah rasanye nak camwhoring dulu dengan all the hiasan. Ngehehehehehehe~

Top (L-R): dengan adik, dengan mak (yes my mum is small, thankyouberymuch)
Bottom (L-R): dengan bapak, my parents!

Top (L-R): dengan adik, dengan mak (yes my mum is small, thankyouberymuch)
Bottom (L-R): dengan bapak, my parents!
There were also nice goodies for the guests. Ni yang best jadi tetamu nih. :
This is my ATOK. Ntah ape maksudnye wat sign kacang nganyin.Pelamin and wedding cake:

Theme colour is yellow gold. Kek sodap. Nak kek nak kek nak kek.
Theme colour is yellow gold. Kek sodap. Nak kek nak kek nak kek.
It was quite a formal event, but despite the formality, ade la simplicity jugak. Am I making sense? Hm. Takpela. Yang penting dah kawen dengan slamatnye ye. Bang Abu is the youngest in his family, so I can see why la this would be slightly grander than his older brothers and sister's weddings. Tapi seronok tengok the family members all helping together.

pa mek macham xda temu ktk masa wedding kak lin oh? :p
@Ika Abdullah
Oh, kitak datang juak?? hehehehe~
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