
Monday, August 22, 2011

JLPT Anyone?

Registration opened on August 15th. I even had a Post-It stuck to my computer monitor to remind myself. But just remembered about it today a.k.a. one week later. Post-Its are not effective for me. I'm so oblivious. (+___+)

Anyway, registered and paid. They have online payment now, so it is super efficient. Gone are the days when I had panic attacks at the post office figuring out how to fill in money order forms! Hurrah!!!

Taking N4 this year. Self-studying is tough but I have asked assistance by my colleagues since Kuching does not have any Japanese Language Learning Classes at all. Specifically for JLPT preparation. Gah.

I saw the list of Kanjis for N4 and a small part of me died a little. Will be needing all the luck I can get. (=___=)


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