Recently I have been watching this Korean reality show called We Got Married which was copied to my external HD by my carry sister who insists I watch it. I only have eyes for the Adam couple though; Jo Kwon from 2AM and GaIn from Brown Eyed Girls. (Someone please explain to me how they pick out their group names. It's just as weird as Hey Say Jump from Japan. XD)
I have to admit, they are one of the best OTPs evar on a reality show. (Apart from the fact that this is my first time watching WGM, LOL). JoKwon is the young, fun loving, protective, jealous, super sweet yet annoying at the same time husband whereas GaIn is the cool pretty wife who sort of plays hard to get. XD They are really fun to watch!!
However the real matter is, I have noticed how famous and how constantly the Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s camera is used in this show. It seems like every other episode it will pop up!
I bet it's sponsorship. And if Fujifilm was thinking that they could brainwash their WGM audience into getting one of those, well...
They're kinda right. (=____=)
erm. getting the blue one. should be arriving soon.
erm. getting the blue one. should be arriving soon.

cute da jak camera ya..geram..
@PutRee SeJiNjaNg
Nang cute aii!! Dah merasa dah~ Huhuhuhu~ Sayang nak make slalu gilak eh. Filem pricey.. XD
@Erlinda "Miss Little Town"
erm, aok. Please dont hate meeee! lak kita ambik gambar sama2 k~ =D
love the pic we took..ha ha..sayang nak simpan lam frame..ujung2 simpan lam beg duit jak..he he..
P/s; da nagga movie skyline sik?, polah review movie ya k..he he.. <3 <3
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