
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

W-Day To-Do List Update

Hello, yes Alhamdulillah, still alive and kicking. 
Is currently down with the flu, but then again, so is the rest of the family; so getting well is kind of a slow process. (=_=)
What have I been up to? A gazillion things at once. My mind is so messed up right now I can't really think straight. 
Let's just say I am juggling so many things at a time at the moment.

Pre-Wedding videoshoot
Done. Better be worth all the ant bites. (T__T)
The teaser/save the date should be up soon, so watch this space!

Handmade! In process. 30% done. Pretty sure of it. If the main item is done, I should be able to complete it in a few days!

Wedding Invites
Handmade too! 70% done. Should be ready for distribution in a week plus.

Booked! Need to call them multiple times before my reception to remind them that we'll be using it!

Dais/Catering/Decorations etc.
Ideas have been talked out, should not be a problem! :)

Wedding Cake
Ideas have been discussed and thrown around. Can't wait to see how it will turn out! :D

Wedding Dress
Last I heard it's going through the beading process. Super excited!

Wedding Bouquet/Headpiece
Should be delivered in early October!

Booked! Should call him a few days before the solemnization event.

Guest Lists
Mine done. Dad's done. Mom, not yet. (=_=)

Booked, confirmed, deposited.

Event Flow
Planned and discussed. Next family meeting should be scheduled soon.

All that aside, my nights are spent holed up in my (new) room, finishing up printing/folding my invites and doorgifts. So lately been having lack of sleep and worst of all, when I actually do get to sleep early, I have trouble falling asleep. (=_=)

Me ish Walking Zombie.

This is how I look on most mornings lately.
May the force be with us all. 


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